Ntop Tutorial al SharkFest Europe 2016
Ntop Tutorial al SharkFest Europe 2016

Ntop Tutorial al SharkFest Europe 2016

Coloro che parteciperanno alla prima conferenza europea SharkFest Europe 2016 organizzata da  Wireshark University potranno seguire (gratuitamente)  all’ Ntop Users Group Meeting and Tutorial organizzato da Luca Deri.

I temi trattati durante il tutorial saranno:

  • Introduce ntop open source tools to those who are not familiar with them yet.
  • Meet the ntop user community, introduce the ntop core team and receive feedback.
  • Discuss future roadmap items.
  • Provide practical tutorials of ntop tools focusing on real use cases.
  • Assist users who have questions, issues or need technical assistance.

L’Agenda del “Ntop meeting” sarà cosi organizzata:

Lunedi 17 ottobre – Hotel Papendal – 3 Papendallaan, 6816 VD Arnhem, Netherlands

  • 14:00 – Introduction
    What problems ntop is trying to address and what tools we have developed so far.
  • 14:30 – PF_RING Tutorial
    What PF_RING can do for you (15 min)
    Highlight some use cases that can be solved using PF_RING (30 min)
  • 15:15 – nDPI Tutorial
    Introduction to deep packet inspection using nDPI (10 min)
    Using nDPI in practice (10 min)
  • 15:25 – Coffee Break
  • 15:35 – ntopng Tutorial
    Web-base traffic monitoring using ntopng (15 min)
    Using ntopng for traffic analysis, troubleshooting, and flow collection (30 min)
  • 16:20 Open Discussion
    Future Activities / Roadmap Items
    New use cases and challenges from users
    Hands on ntop tools and installation party

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