Coloro che parteciperanno alla prima conferenza europea SharkFest Europe 2016 organizzata da Wireshark University potranno seguire (gratuitamente) all’ Ntop Users Group Meeting and Tutorial organizzato da Luca Deri.
I temi trattati durante il tutorial saranno:
- Introduce ntop open source tools to those who are not familiar with them yet.
- Meet the ntop user community, introduce the ntop core team and receive feedback.
- Discuss future roadmap items.
- Provide practical tutorials of ntop tools focusing on real use cases.
- Assist users who have questions, issues or need technical assistance.
L’Agenda del “Ntop meeting” sarà cosi organizzata:
Lunedi 17 ottobre – Hotel Papendal – 3 Papendallaan, 6816 VD Arnhem, Netherlands
- 14:00 – Introduction
What problems ntop is trying to address and what tools we have developed so far. - 14:30 – PF_RING Tutorial
What PF_RING can do for you (15 min)
Highlight some use cases that can be solved using PF_RING (30 min) - 15:15 – nDPI Tutorial
Introduction to deep packet inspection using nDPI (10 min)
Using nDPI in practice (10 min) - 15:25 – Coffee Break
- 15:35 – ntopng Tutorial
Web-base traffic monitoring using ntopng (15 min)
Using ntopng for traffic analysis, troubleshooting, and flow collection (30 min) - 16:20 Open Discussion
Future Activities / Roadmap Items
New use cases and challenges from users
Hands on ntop tools and installation party